Application System for Setting Values on High Voltage Power Supply Using MCP4725 Module Based on ATmega328P Microcontroller


  • Mohammad Amin Borobudur University
  • Wahyu Widji Pamungkas Borobudur University
  • Djoko Harsono Borobudur University



Voltage Value Setting, MCP4725 DAC Module, ATmega328P Microcontroller


Applications of power supply systems to supply sensors that require high voltage values are widely available in the market in the form of modules. However, in general, setting the voltage value is open by providing a voltage value from the potentiometer or trimmer component which is rotated manually. This becomes less flexible because the operator must always be nearby. The solution option is to implement automatic regulation via a potentiometer attached to an interface component connected to the microcontroller via a serial communication line called I2C. Furthermore, the microcontroller is programmed to receive regulatory commands and monitor the desired voltage value from a computer or mobile phone. This study uses the ATmega328P microcontroller, the MCP4725 DAC module and the CA12P-5TR series HV module from EMCO products. The results of this study are the design, implementation and prototype scheme.


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How to Cite

Amin, M. ., Pamungkas, W. W., & Harsono, D. (2023). Application System for Setting Values on High Voltage Power Supply Using MCP4725 Module Based on ATmega328P Microcontroller. IAIC International Conference Series, 4(1), 187–192.