Analysis of Information Security Culture at FMIPA Halu Oleo University Using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling Method
FMIPA, Information Security Culture, Security Awareness, Top Management, Security PolicyAbstract
This research aims to analyze the information security culture at FMIPA Halu Oleo University. The results of the analysis show that exogenous latent variables, such as information security awareness, the role of faculty leaders, and information security policies, have a significant positive impact on information security culture. The research results show that the security awareness variable has a positive effect (0.221) on the Information Security Culture variable. Apart from that, the top management variable also has a positive effect (0.185) on the Information Security Culture variable. Likewise, the security policy variable has a significant positive influence (0.233) on the Information Security Culture variable. These findings provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence the culture of information security in the FMIPA Halu Oleo University environment, which can be the basis for recommending improvements in increasing information system security at the faculty.
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