Forward Chaining Algorithm on Informatics Graduate Job Recommendation System Based on MBTI Test


  • Jhonatan Laurensius Tjahjadi Darma Cendika Catholic University
  • Yulia Wahyuningsi Darma Cendika Catholic University
  • Padmavati Darma Putri Tanuwijaya Darma Cendika Catholic University
  • Ryan Putranda Kristianto Darma Cendika Catholic University



Expert System, Forward Chaining, MBTI, PHP


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a method for identifying an individual's personality type based on the psychological theory of Carl Gustav Jung. In the context of computer science students, they often face challenges in planning their academic journey and determining the direction of their career development during their studies, causing confusion when it comes to choosing a career path in the field of computer science in the future. To address these challenges, the researcher has developed a web-based expert system using the PHP programming language. This expert system is designed to make decisions based on a collection of user responses, which are processed using the forward chaining method, ultimately providing the user's personality type along with suitable career choices. The primary objective of the expert system is to assist students in making decisions regarding their studies and future careers. Through this research, the researcher has produced a functioning website capable of efficiently processing user responses and generating decisions regarding personality types and career options. Thus, this study provides a solution to aid computer science students in planning their academic and career paths.


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How to Cite

Tjahjadi, J. L. ., Wahyuningsi, Y., Putri Tanuwijaya, P. D. ., & Kristianto, R. P. . (2023). Forward Chaining Algorithm on Informatics Graduate Job Recommendation System Based on MBTI Test. IAIC International Conference Series, 4(1), 122–131.