Classification of Coffee Leaf Diseases using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) EfficientNet Model
Identification, Coffee Leaf Disease, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), EfficientNetAbstract
Coffee leaf disease is a problem that needs attention because it affects the quality and productivity of the coffee harvest and is detrimental to farmers. Therefore, a system is needed to identify types of coffee leaf diseases using artificial intelligence. There are four types of coffee leaf diseases, namely Miner leaf, Phoma leaf, Rust leaf, and Nodisease leaf. The research used the EfficientNet Architecture Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method to detect types of disease on coffee leaves. This method was chosen because it is capable and reliable in processing digital images for pattern recognition. The dataset used is 1,464 images with dimensions of 2048 x 1024 pixels with RGB type which are divided into 1,264 training data and 400 testing data. Several architectures used in EfficientNet are EfficientNet B0, EfficientNet B1, EfficientNet B2, EfficientNet B3, EfficientNet B4. Parameters used are Lanczos resampling, Epoch 25, Learning Rate 0.0001, Loss Function Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy, Optimizer Adam. The results of training data testing, namely the CNN EfficientNet B1 Architecture Model method, got the best accuracy of 97% and a loss of 0.1328 and testing data testing got an accuracy of 0.97% and a loss of 0.1328. The architecture of the EfficientNet B1 model is better than other architectural models, namely VGG16, ResNet50, MobileNetv2, EfficientNet B0, EfficientNet B2, EfficientNet B3, EfficientNet B4, EfficientNet B5, EfficientNet B6, EfficientNet B7.
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