Agile Method in Developing Electronic Local Government Food Reserve Distribution Services (E-CPPD) in Sukabumi City


  • Asril Adi Sunarto Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi
  • Euis Kania Kurniawati Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi



CPPD, eCPPD, Spiral, Application, Sukabumi, EGov, DKP3


Indonesia is a country with a region that has disasters here. As a Regional Apparatus Organization which must distribute regional government food reserves to the community when natural disasters strike, Dinas Ketahanan Pangan, Peternakan dan Perikanan Kota Sukabumi took the initiative to develop an application that can speed up the distribution of aid to the community. This national food reserve policy can support national defense in emergency conditions. The hope is that the development of this application can speed up the administration of official correspondence, where the administration of this correspondence is an element that slows down actions in almost every department, resulting in the length of time that citizens receive assistance. There are many discussions and interviews with various users who need to adapt an environment that requires flexibility in changes to system development, so this system development uses the spiral method. As a result, based on the user requirement list, 100% of user needs can be completed on time. The result, almost nine (9) tons of rice have been distributed to residents spread across 22 of the 33 sub-districts in Sukabumi City.


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How to Cite

Sunarto, A. A., & Euis Kania Kurniawati. (2023). Agile Method in Developing Electronic Local Government Food Reserve Distribution Services (E-CPPD) in Sukabumi City. IAIC International Conference Series, 4(1), 22–33.