The Semosemo: Vehicle Rental Application in Manado City
Car Rental, Manado City, ApplicationAbstract
In everyday human life, there are many aspects that cause a decision to be made. Agreements can be made in writing or unwritten, reciprocal agreements and unilateral agreements, obligatory agreements and one of them is a lease agreement. The lease agreement can help the parties, both from the leaser and the lessee. Car Rental is one of the businesses providing transportation services that involves the use of mobile devices to find out information about the services provided by the company. Car Rental is closely related to transportation services to help people who need car rental for various purposes. To use rental services in Manado City, usually the tenant must go to the rental place, and that is less efficient to do. Therefore, the problem found is how to make the Semosemo Vehicle Rental Application in Manado City. With the aim of making the Semosemo Vehicle Rental Application in the City of Manado. This research uses the prototype method and is also assisted by software such as React Native, Figma, and Visual Studio Code. The result is that the Semosemo application can be made to help rent vehicles in the city of Manado and the application can run accordingly.
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