Verification Of Independent Study Assessment Using Blockchain Technology
Blockchain, Independent Study, Verification Of GradesAbstract
Current technological developments greatly impact the assessment verification system. To find out the
student benchmarks in the results of teaching and learning activities during the learning system assessment process is
very important in the scope of higher education. With the existence of blockchain technology widely applied in the
world of Education, having the advantage of a decentralized system and strong cryptography can help universities in
building infrastructure. Universitas Raharja is one of the educational institutions that has implemented an online
assessment system (PEN +), which will use blockchain technology to verify the assessment of independent studies.
which provides services to Raharja University lecturers in verifying student grades that can be accessed anywhere
and at any time. However, currently the verification process for the independent study assessment that has been
carried out is still done manually which results in verification not with very strong security. The existence of an
independent study assessment verification uses blockchain technology to produce strong data security that did not
occur before. In the PEN + lecturer assessment system for the independent study assessment verification process, it
cannot yet enter the value of Independent study (IS) in real time. Therefore, there is a need for development in this
blockchain technology for the verification process of independent study assessment. In this study there were 10 (ten)
literary studies on verification of valuation. Thus there are several benefits that lecturers need not hesitate to verify
the assessment, the process by using blockchain technology produces very strong security.